
Openslice backend services are mainly implemented with Java 17 or above and Spring boot.

Openslice uses various subsystems and depending on the module would you like to work, other subsystems must be present (you can disable them though in the code, e.g. at application.yml file)

To get the latest development branch:

sudo ./ develop  [or replace develop with other branch name]


  • Slack:

General subsystems

  • Docker and Docker Compose should be installed in your development environment


consul service registry should be up and running. You can launch consul with docker: sudo docker run -d --name consul -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:8600 consul


ActiveMQ is our messaging system. You can launch an instance of ActiveMQ: sudo docker run --name='activemq' -d -e 'ACTIVEMQ_NAME=amqp-srv1' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_REMOVE_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT=true' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_ADMIN_LOGIN=admin' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_WRITE_LOGIN=producer_login' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_WRITE_PASSWORD=producer_password' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_READ_LOGIN=consumer_login' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_READ_PASSWORD=consumer_password' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_JMX_LOGIN=jmx_login' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_JMX_PASSWORD=jmx_password' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_STATIC_TOPICS=topic1;topic2;topic3' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_STATIC_QUEUES=queue1;queue2;queue3' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_MIN_MEMORY=1024' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_MAX_MEMORY=4096' -e 'ACTIVEMQ_ENABLED_SCHEDULER=true' -v /home/ctranoris/testcompose/data/activemq:/data/activemq -v /var/log/activemq:/var/log/activemq -p 8161:8161 -p 61616:61616 -p 61613:61613 webcenter/activemq:5.14.3

MySQL server

We use mysql as a storage DB. Please make sure that you have it installed in your system. There are instructions on internet how to install it. Check also our docker-compose installation script

Oauth server

Keycloak is used as the authentication server.

Note: Please check the Post installation steps -> Keycloak at localhost, at Deployment/Installation, if you are developing in a local environment

VNF/NSD Catalog Management and NSD Deployment API service

Clone the repository:

Check the application.yml file. Default port is 13080. Especially the datasource username/password, server port.

make sure that the General subsystems are up and running as well as the OAuth server

run it with mvn spring-boot:run

You can check your consul server if it registered.

Swagger API

Swagger API of the service is at http://localhost:13000/osapi/swagger-ui/. You can try there various REST actions and authenticate via the OAuth server

VNF/NSD Catalog Management and NSD Deployment WEB UI service

The Web UI is written in AngularJS

Clone the repository:

by default the project io.openslice.portal.api exposes the folder ../io.openslice.portal.web/src/ in a folder testweb (Check class in io.openslice.portal.api) for development. (In production nginx is used). Point your browser to http://localhost:13000/osapi/testweb/index.html/

Version/release management

Check this nice article on how we develop and release versions

We develop in the develop branch


Check also our wishlist of new features. You can add your own

See Wishlist